Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cut Cholestrol

From the Times of India

Tips to lower total cholesterol (bad cholesterol)
l Instead of simple carbohydrate (refined flour, sugar, sweets, pastries, pasta), choose complex carbohydrates (whole wheat, brown rice, oats, barley, wheat bread, beans, lentils, dried peas).
lDaily intake of nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, and walnuts; 1/4th cup a day) helps in reducing cholesterol up to 7-10 per cent. l Increase intake of soluble fibres (oats, guar gum, psyllium seeds, wheat germ, sesame seeds, barley, eatable skin intact fruits and green leafy vegetables).
l Intake of plant sterol and stanol esters (corn, soy, wheat, fortified table spreads (Benecol), green beans, carrots, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, tomatoes, cucumber, grapes, cantaloupe, berries, etc) reduces cholesterol by 10 to 15 per cent.
lAvoid food sources of cholesterol like egg yolk, liver, kidney, brains, etc.
l Avoid trans fats (like pizza, pasta, fried, frozen and packaged food, etc).

Tips to increase high density Lipoprotein c h o l e s t e ro l (good cholesterol)
l Regular physical activity (45 min brisk walking daily). It is the best method to increase good cholesterol.
l Increase intake of Omega-3 fatty acids (fish, walnuts, soyabean, flax seeds).
l Replace saturated fats (margarine, coconut oil, butter, ghee, palm oil, whole milk) and trans fats (partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, vanaspati, dalda, cookies, doughnuts) with monounsaturated fats (olive oil, canola oil).
l Intake of 1.3 grams per day of plant sterol esters or 3.4 grams per day stanols (wheat germ, rice bran, pistachio nut, green beans, cucumber, carrot, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, tomatoes, grapes, cantaloupe, berries etc.) helps in increasing HDL-c.
l Consume more soluble fibres such as fruits, vegetables and oats that are highly beneficial in raising HDL levels. l Quit smoking and tobacco consumption. l Take alcohol in moderation. Wine is preferable.

(Dr Anoop Misra, director and head, department of diabetes and metabolic diseases, Fortis Hospitals, Delhi

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